Seasonal Herb Garden Prep Course

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Discover the joy of herb gardening with our 'Seasonal Herb Garden Prep' course. In just four weeks, learn to cultivate a thriving herb garden tailored to your environment. From selecting the right herbs to mastering organic pest control, I guide you through each step.

Get ready to transform any space into a herb haven, whether you have a sprawling garden or a cozy windowsill. This course is your gateway to fresh, home-grown herbs year-round.

About Brenda J Sullivan

Brenda J. Sullivan is a seasoned herbalist and market gardener based in South Glastonbury, Connecticut. As the founder of Thompson Street Farm LLC, Brenda has transformed her property into an enchanting micro farm that serves as a testament to her dedication to sustainable agriculture and her love for the natural world.

With a particular affinity for lavender, medicinal herbs, and vibrant flowers, Brenda has honed her craft in growing a diverse array of plants. Her expertise extends to creating handcrafted goat’s milk herbal soaps and bath products, which are a labor of love and a reflection of her commitment to using locally grown, natural ingredients.

As an author, Brenda has channeled her extensive knowledge of and passion for nature into creating nature-themed children's books. Her works are designed to inspire young readers to explore and appreciate the environment around them, fostering a sense of wonder and stewardship for the earth.

Brenda is an ardent lover of the outdoors and an active member of a hiking club, where she combines her passion for environmental advocacy with the joy of exploration. Her commitment to the environment extends to educating others about the health benefits of herbs and natural living. Through her engaging workshops and informative writing, Brenda empowers others to embrace the healing aspects of nature.


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